ID or Passport checking. We kindly ask you to bring oficial documents in order to check player's dates of birth. Our staff could ask you, please bring your ID or Passports if it is required.

U10 | 2009 - 2010

U12 | 2007 - 2008

U13 | 2006

U14 | 2005

U16 | 2003 - 2004

U18 | 2001 - 2002


All matches shall be played in accordance with the rules of the Catalan Basketball Association, except the following details:

1. Timetable, lenght of game and timing:

- All matches will begin on time as appear in the different timetables.

- 5 minutes warming-up with balls.

- Matches last 4x10 minutes continuous running time except in the following situations: a) referee requirements, b) shooting free throws, c) time outs, d) last minute before ending each match.

- 1 minute intermission between halves (3 minutes between the second and third part).

- 1 time out per half (2 per match), not accumulative.

2. Games not played or not finalized:

Each team is obliged to start the match on time. If a team is late or doesn't appear, the opponent will be declared winner (0-20).

In the case of not holding a match by force majeure or by decision of the organization, it will be given as a game tied with 2 points per team (20-20).

If you can not finish a match due to circumstances beyond the game, the final result will be that which exists at the time of the unexpected. In the event of a tie, 2 points will be given per team.

In the case of a match not finalized for bad behavior by one of the teams, the offending team (20-0) will remain as a loser and lose the point awarded for participation. Depending on the seriousness, the organization will take the decisions it deems appropriate.

3. Player registration:

A maximum of 15 players can be lined up on the match sheet.

Matches can begin with only 5 players except the U10, U12, U13 and U14 categories that must do it with 7 minimum in order to follow the lining up rule (a player must play 3 parts maximum and 1 minimun).

In case of caution or injuries during the last part and a player who has already played during the 3 first parts, enters again; the team will lose the match. The same penalty for playing with 4 or less players in any circumstance.

In case of incorrect alignment the match will be played indicating the offending coach, who will be the loser at 0-20 but keeping the point of participation.

4. «Fight» situation:

In younger categories (Premini «U10» and Mini «U12»), ball should be given to the defender team. In other categories, a rotation criteria.

5. Score system:

Final Score appeared at the end of the match.

Scoreboard won't close.

If there is a tie, we won't use no extra time,«a golden basket» will decide the winner (this means that the first team to basket will determine the winner, even though if it is a foul shot). Extra time in this situation will begin with 2 players jump.

- In the event of a draw between 2 teams in the group stage, the following criteria shall be used: a) Particular average, b) general average, c) the team with higher number of points and d) if this criteria still can not decide, a draw/lottery will decide the winner.

In the situations whereby the best runner-up or the best 3rd team should be taken into consideration, the following criteria shall be used: a) Number of won matches, b) difference between the points for and against will decide, c) if there is still a tie, the team with more points scored will decide and d) if this criteria still can not decide, a lottery will decide the winner.

6. Kits:

All teams must play in the colors mentioned on the participation document.

In the event of the team-colours being identical or similar, the team listed second in the programe is to change its kit.

7. Other rules:

Other rules not mentioned in this document, will be applied according FIBA regulation.


1. Competence:

The tournament committee is responsible for all sporting arrangements in connection with the tournament, as well as for any disputes, protests or complaints.

This Committee will have the power to solve any situation not mentioned in this document.

2. Complaints:

The Committee accept complaints; they must be give written within 30 minutes maximum after the end of the match.

Added to this writing, a deposit of 30€ that will be returned in case of successful resolution for the complainant.


1. Tournament (4 teams):

Group phase

League system all against all in one round. The winning team will get three points, the loser one.

Final round

The first and second place in the first phase will play the FINAL, third and fourth place play to achieve the appropriate places.

2. Tournament (8 teams):

Group phase

Established two groups (A and B) of four teams. League system all against all in one round. The winning team will get three points, the loser one.

Consolation phase

7th/8th: 4th Group A vs. 4th Group B

5th/6th: 3rd Group A vs. 3rd Group B

Final round

3rd/4th: 2nd Group A vs. 2nd Group B

FINAL: 1st Group A vs. 1st Group B

3. Tournament (10 teams):

Fase de grups

Established two groups (A and B) of five teams. League system all against all in one round. The winning team will get three points, the loser one.

Fase de consolació

9th/10th: 5th Group A vs. 5th Group B

7th/8th: 4th Group A vs. 4th Group B

5th/6th: 3rd Group A vs. 3rd Group B

Fase final

3rd/4th: 2nd Group A vs. 2nd Group B

FINAL: 1st Group A vs. 1st Group B

4. Tournament (12 teams):

Group phase

Established two groups (A, B and C) of four teams. League system all against all in one round. The winning team will get three points, the loser one.

Qualifying and consolation phase

11th/12th: 2nd better 4th vs. last 4th

9th/10th: last 3rd vs. better 4th

7th/8th: better 3rd vs. 2nd better 3rd

5th/6th: 2nd better 2nd vs. last 2nd

Semi-final (S1): 1st Group A vs. 1st Group B

Semi-final (S2): 1st Group C vs. better 2nd

Final round

3rd/4th: loser S1 vs. loser S2

FINAL: winner S1 vs. winner S2

5. Tournament (16 teams):

Group phase

Established two groups (A, B, C and D) of four teams. League system all against all in one round. The winning team will get three points, the loser one.

Qualifying and consolation phase

15th/16th: 3rd better 4th vs. 4th better 4th

13th/14th: better 4th vs. 2nd better 4th

11th/12th: 3rd better 3rd vs. 4th better 3rd

9th/10th: better 3rd vs. 2nd better 3rd

7th/8th: 3rd better 2nd vs. 4th better 2nd

5th/6th: better 2nd vs. 2nd better 2nd

Semi-final (S1): 1st Group A vs. 1st Group B

Semi-final (S2): 1st Group C vs. 1st Group D

Final round

3rd/4th: loser S1 vs. loser S2

FINAL: winner S1 vs. winner S2