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{$ discount_error $}
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Subtotal: {$ (price / 1.21) | currency:'' $} € {$ (price / 1.21) - discount.discount | currency:'' $} € {$ (price / 1.21) * ( 1 - (discount.discount / 100)) | currency:'' $} €
Transporte: Gratuït {$ shipping / 1.21 | currency:'' $} €
IVA: {$ (price + shipping) * (0.21 / 1.21) | currency:'' $} € {$ (price - (discount.discount * 1.21) + shipping) * (0.21 / 1.21) | currency:'' $} € {$ ((price) * ( 1 - (discount.discount / 100)) + shipping) * (0.21 / 1.21) | currency:'' $} €
Total: {$ price + shipping | currency:'' $} € {$ price + shipping - (discount.discount * 1.21)| currency:'' $} € {$ price + shipping - (price * (discount.discount / 100))| currency:'' $} €
{$ item.name $}
Talla: {$ item.size_picked $}
   {$ item.quantity | number $}   {$ item.price / 1.21 | currency:'' $} € {$ (item.price * item.quantity) / 1.21 | currency:'' $} €
{$ items $} item
{$ price | currency:'' $} €{$ price | currency:'' $} €

{$ product.name $}

{$ product.description $}

Colour: {$ product.color $}

BARlors BIG 4 BOSTON BLUME TEAM Black&White CAVALIERS VILASSAR CSKA Sabadell Chicago me limpio Clàssics DRIBBLING Dajocrew ELOI'S TEAM Els Cucs Epic Fail Escuadron Compadre Esketittttt Ex-penyeros FORTNITE TEAM FortaSex HOUSTON CROKETS Henny Smith Hot dicks Jelly Fam LA FRUTERIA DEL BARRIO LA QUINTA DEL QUINTO LOCKOUT 3X3 LOS CHAVALES LOS MANZANILLAS 3X3 La sensación del bloque Love is in the air M'és igual MARTA GARCIA MEME B A MINI SAN PEPITAS MVP's Miret survivors Mitty Blinders Molt bona nit i benvinguts al Cocoa Montpedrós NO BLOOD NO FOUL NO SE QUE Negrita Cola OLD SCHOOL MUSICAL OLD Stars On voliem PAELLA SALADA PARRILLADAS TEAM POL AND HIS GIANTS Payasos Pechotes Pimba Pimba Pueblo Tomate SERCOTEL HOTELS SMALL BALL SMALL WARRIORS STARTS TEAM Skyhook hueso T-Rex TETU TEAM TITO JOLY TRIPLE AMENAÇA The Shooters Tres torres y media WHITESTARS {$ size $} {$ $index+1 $}

Preu: {$ product.price | currency:'' $} €

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(*TAX included)

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