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Subtotal: {$ (price / 1.21) | currency:'' $} € {$ (price / 1.21) - | currency:'' $} € {$ (price / 1.21) * ( 1 - ( / 100)) | currency:'' $} €
Transporte: Gratuït {$ shipping / 1.21 | currency:'' $} €
IVA: {$ (price + shipping) * (0.21 / 1.21) | currency:'' $} € {$ (price - ( * 1.21) + shipping) * (0.21 / 1.21) | currency:'' $} € {$ ((price) * ( 1 - ( / 100)) + shipping) * (0.21 / 1.21) | currency:'' $} €
Total: {$ price + shipping | currency:'' $} € {$ price + shipping - ( * 1.21)| currency:'' $} € {$ price + shipping - (price * ( / 100))| currency:'' $} €
{$ $}
Talla: {$ item.size_picked $}
   {$ item.quantity | number $}   {$ item.price / 1.21 | currency:'' $} € {$ (item.price * item.quantity) / 1.21 | currency:'' $} €
{$ items $} item
{$ price | currency:'' $} €{$ price | currency:'' $} €

{$ $}

{$ product.description $}

Colour: {$ product.color $}

23 Basketball 3x3nou 4x4=16 5X5 = vint-i-cinc BLUE ONES Banyoles Negre BigBallerBros CE CALDES FEM 1 CE CALDES FEM 2 CE CALDES FEM 3 CE CALDES FEM 4 CE CALDES FEM 5 CE CALDES FEM 6 CE CALDES MSC 1 CE CALDES MSC 2 CE CALDES MSC 3 CE CALDES MSC 4 CHICAGO me limpio Calvos Capo$ Cassà CITY Chans Chi-cago DIEGOSQUAD Dile a papá Dream Team EEM CALDES MSC 1 EEM CALDES MSC 1 EEM CALDES MSC 2 EEM CALDES MSC 2 EEM CALDES MSC 3 EL TRIDENT FIREBALL Flex HAY QUE METER JUNIOR NEGRE Keloke wawawa LA PENYA DE L'ESPARDENYA LES ESTUPENDES LOCKOUT 3X3 LOS MANZANILLAS 3X3 La Purga Les Garnier Los 4 Ases MiniBanyoles NIQUIS NUTELLITAS Naismith No Límits Club 3x3 Number one POPCORN Philadelphia Gambes Pokémons Rapsody SENSE NOM SKERE Showtime Porqueres Small Ballers THE APPLES 3x3 THE WINNER Trentallargs Triopical Tripl3shot estrella coja shalke temeto de 3 {$ size $} {$ $index+1 $}

Preu: {$ product.price | currency:'' $} €

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(*TAX included)

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